selfhackaton the start.

When I first heard about the Vanhackton, all I could remember was the nice experiences with the LudumDare hackatons. With the good memories also came the lessons learned from the journey of creating something from Friday night until Sunday night, here are some lessons that I can remember:

  • Warmup with the technologies you are planning to use
  • Download and Install all the tools you will need
  • Make sure you can save files in the repository you are planning to use during the hackton
  • Make arrangements with your family, make sure they understand that you will be offline from family duties during that weekend :)
  • Sleep, seriously plan your sleep time during the weekend
  • Eat, again seriously plan to eat good food during the weekend that makes a lot of difference
  • Have fun, remember YOLO

To warmup with the technologies a good option is to have a small project to create, that gives you a target and organize your mindset to build something. I will keep track of my warming up experiences, so I can remember in the future the good and the not so good decisions I made, and hopefully learn from the comments and feedbacks, let´s code! i-just-felt-like-coding